Jesus encounters the rich young man and invites him to become a disciple, but he is too attached to his wealth and power to accept the invitation.
Category: Lent Devotionals
Jesus disagrees with Moses about divorce to the disapproval of the Pharisees and tradition. Divorce has become too easy, and wives are seen as property. Jesus reminds them that when they are married, they are one flesh. Can a man divorce his own body? And Jesus chides the disciples again, who keep the children away …
Jesus is still teaching the disciples privately. He is boiling down the truth of theGospel into simple bites. Take care of one another, especially the children.Don’t be distracted by the world of the body, it can lead you astray. Let the spiritlead you.
The disciples argue about who among them is the greatest in the bunch. Jesushears their argument and puts it down by inviting a child to sit with him. Whoeverwelcomes someone as powerless as a child will be great in heaven.
After the transfiguration Jesus is met with a bereft father of a boy with a spirit likeepilepsy. The father is confused, the disciples are ineffective, Jesus is frustrated,and the crowd is swelling.
Peter, James and John get invited everywhere: Peter’s house, heal Jairusdaughter, the mount of Transfiguration. Yet they do not understand who Jesus isand what he must do. Peter guesses right (last week) then blows it this week.What will it take to convince them?
Jesus on Peter’s boat again gets really mad at his disciples. He mocks them. After feeding 4,000 with 5 loaves, they are afraid that one loaf is not enough for 13 of them. They don’t see the connection and Jesus unleashes on them. But Peter knows who Jesus is and declares it to all.
Jesus feeds the second massive crowd, over four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and some fish and has seven baskets left over. Then the Pharisees ask for a sign from Heaven. Then want some miraculous proof that Jesus is the Messiah. Healing sick people isn’t enough. But Jesus is tired of them …
Two of my favorite stories: The woman who argues with Jesus and changes his mind, and the deaf and dumb man who cannot stop talking. Jesus isn’t pleased really, but he laughs it off and goes with the flow.
Again, we find the disciples confused about one of Jesus key teachings. Jesus is almost incredulous at their ignorance. But he explains it to them more simply.