Lent – A Talk With Peter Day 37

Lent – A Talk With Peter Day 37

Jesus is still talking about the end times when a woman comes and anoints him with costly oil. Jesus understands this as a preparation for burial, his end times are very soon. Judas is upset with Jesus and makes plans with the priests to betray Jesus. Questions: How do we react when our heros turn …

Lent – A Talk With Peter – Day 34

Lent – A Talk With Peter – Day 34

Mark 12:28-44 Jesus argues with the Pharisees, he expected better of them, they had everything going for them, yet they used it for personal gain. The widow with her mite gave more from her small potential. Question: Wealth is something different to different people. What is wealth to you? What is generosity to you? What …

Lent – A Talk With Peter – Day 31

Lent – A Talk With Peter – Day 31

Jesus is hangry, first he curses a fig tree, then he overturns the tables on the money changers.  Jesus is angry at the money changers and the temple priests.  They have the keys to forgiveness of sins, and they use that power to make a profit.  Then he talks about prayer and forgiveness.  Our forgiveness …