How do we train people to prepare them for the next level of leadership? A larger organization requires a different leader than a small one. The Church has ignored this reality for years, yet the military has excelled at it. Today I discuss this issue with Lt. Col. John Carretti USMC (retired). What can the …
Author: revstevep
How do you feel about preaching in summer? Loss of energy, lack of direction, weather just too hot and muggy to get up and go? Here are some ideas to put wind in your sails. For United Methodist preachers this summer may be particularly depressing. We have just watched our beloved denomination go through another …
Finally the day of Passover, Jesus offers them the wine and the bread and declares a new covenant with God. Then on the way to the Mount of Olives he tells Peter that he will deny Jesus three times. Questions: How do you think Peter feels having Jesus show so little faith in him? Have …
Jesus is still talking about the end times when a woman comes and anoints him with costly oil. Jesus understands this as a preparation for burial, his end times are very soon. Judas is upset with Jesus and makes plans with the priests to betray Jesus. Questions: How do we react when our heros turn …
Mark 13: 14-31 Jesus is still talking about the End of Time. It is too terrible to imagine, and yet he speaks hopefully about his faithful. He will come and save them. But if anyone tells you they know when it will be, they are deceiving you. Even he does not know, but he will. …
A Talk with Peter β Day 35β Mark 13: 1-13 Jesus talks about the End of Time, persecutions will come, be ready. Jesus understands persecution. He has predicted his own death several times. Now he warns Peter and the others. Question: What is the worst thing that can happen to you? Could you witness to …
Mark 12:28-44 Jesus argues with the Pharisees, he expected better of them, they had everything going for them, yet they used it for personal gain. The widow with her mite gave more from her small potential. Question: Wealth is something different to different people. What is wealth to you? What is generosity to you? What …
Jesus explains the powers of earth and the powers of heaven, though it may seem like he is talking about taxes and marriage. Question: Who do you pay tribute to? What kind of treasure are you hording? Is your spirit ready for heaven today? Are you a spiritual being before death?
Jesus continues his run-inβs with the Priests and scribes. They question his authority and he tells them a pointed story about the rich vineyard owner.
Jesus is hangry, first he curses a fig tree, then he overturns the tables on the money changers. Jesus is angry at the money changers and the temple priests. They have the keys to forgiveness of sins, and they use that power to make a profit. Then he talks about prayer and forgiveness. Our forgiveness …